Consumer Durables Recruitment Consultant

Consumer Durables Consultant

India's consumer durables industry is valued at $9.7 billion as of 2015. This sector is expected to grow to $20.6 billion by 2020 and become the fifth largest in the world by 2025. About two-thirds of India's consumer durables are currently sold in urban markets. The majority of consumer durables production occurs in Delhi and Uttarakhand in the north, West Bengal in the east, Tamil Nadu in the south, and Maharashtra and Gujarat in the west. 

Team V4 has team of freelancers based at various metro and non-metro cities which adds value to the recruitment business because these experienced people not only works to hire the right fitment on grounds of job profile but also screen the candidates on the ground of their awareness on local languages and geographic reach.

At present we are offering tailor-made recruitment solutions to 9 varied industries under this segment.
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